Stay. Flex. Focus.
Available at Ventura, Buena and Foothill Technology High Schools and all Middle Schools
Program Description:
- STAY - continue to be enrolled in the course(s) that you’re having success in
- FLEX - switch to online Independent Study for your other courses
- FOCUS - Take one to two online course at a time
Important Components of the Program
- Online courses are through Edgenuity
- Credit recovery is an option
- Work directly with one teacher for all Independent Study courses
Question: “Will a student going on this program remain enrolled at their current site regardless of whether or not they remain in any on-campus brick-and-mortar classes?”
Answer: Yes!
Question: “Can a student in this program play sports?”
Answer: Yes! So long as the student has a minimum GPA of 2.0 from the last quarter, they are CIF eligible.
Question: “Can students who have already left VUSD return for this program?”
Answer: Yes!
Question: “Will those students who have already left VUSD and want to return to this program need to go through a lengthy placement process?"
Answer: No - simply bring in a current transcript from your current school and we will submit your application for placement within a week.
Question: "Can students switch into FLEX at anytime in the school year?"
Answer: No. Most FLEX placement packets will not be considered after the first quarter of a semester. The reason is because it would be too difficult for the student to finish all of their online classes without sufficient time in the semester.
How to Enroll in this Program:
- Schedule an in-person meeting with your counselor and your parent/guardian ASAP
- Counselor will submit you application to the VUSD Alternate Placement Committee which meets on Thursdays
- If approved, complete and sign a VUSD Independent Study Master Agreement with your counselor
- Meet with your assigned Independent Study Mentor Teacher and complete a Communication Contract
- Start working on your independent study course(s) from home
- If you are remain enrolled in any on-campus course(s), continue to attend.
If you are currently not enrolled in VUSD and want to enroll in FLEX, contact your boundary High School first and speak with a counselor there.